Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of songs_shanty_wellerman

Mar 9, 2021, 12:13:41 AM (4 years ago)



  • songs_shanty_wellerman

    v1 v1  
     1= There once was a ship =
     3''Традиционная шанти (Новая Зеландия, середина 19 в.), эквиритмический перевод Е. и М. Юнгер (''
     5Простое четырёхголосие ([attachment:Shanty__Wellerman.mscz MuseScore], [attachment:Shanty__Wellerman.pdf PDF], [download:170 mp3]).
     9There once was a ship that put to sea[[BR]]
     10The name of the ship was the Billy o' Tea[[BR]]
     11The winds blew up, her bow dipped down[[BR]]
     12O blow, my bully boys, blow[[BR]]
     14 Soon may the Wellerman come[[BR]]
     15 To bring us sugar and tea and rum[[BR]]
     16 One day, when the tonguin’ is done[[BR]]
     17 We’ll take our leave and go[[BR]]
     19She had not been two weeks from shore[[BR]]
     20When down on her a right whale bore[[BR]]
     21The captain called all hands and swore[[BR]]
     22He’d take that whale in tow[[BR]]
     24Before the boat had hit the water[[BR]]
     25The whale’s tail came up and caught her[[BR]]
     26All hands to the side, harpooned and fought her[[BR]]
     27When she dived down below[[BR]]
     29No line was cut, no whale was freed[[BR]]
     30The Captain’s mind was not of greed[[BR]]
     31But he belonged to the whaleman’s creed[[BR]]
     32She took the ship in tow[[BR]]
     34For forty days, or even more[[BR]]
     35The line went slack, then tight once more[[BR]]
     36All boats were lost, there were only four[[BR]]
     37But still that whale did go[[BR]]
     39As far as I’ve heard, the fight’s still on[[BR]]
     40The line’s not cut and the whale’s not gone[[BR]]
     41The Wellerman makes his regular call[[BR]]
     42To encourage the Captain, crew, and all[[BR]]
     46Наш корабль отплыл вчера, [[BR]]
     47И звать его "Чай из топора".[[BR]]
     48Ветер дует, волны бьют,[[BR]]
     49И дождь как из ведра.[[BR]]
     51 Эй, гребец, маши веслом, [[BR]]
     52 Вези нам сахар, и чай, и ром! [[BR]]
     53 Завтра мы кита забьем[[BR]]
     54 И вернемся все домой.[[BR]]
     56Две недели мы плывем,[[BR]]
     57И тут кита заметил Том.[[BR]]
     58Капитан орет: "Вперёд! [[BR]]
     59Гори оно огнем!"[[BR]]
     61Как подлый тот кит хвостом махнул --[[BR]]
     62Корабль чуть не утонул.[[BR]]
     63С гарпуном под плавником[[BR]]
     64Кит на дно нырнул.[[BR]]
     66Капитан у нас лихой --[[BR]]
     67Настоящий китобой! [[BR]]
     68Трос рубить не стал, и кит[[BR]]
     69Унес нас за собой.[[BR]]
     71Сорок суток напролет[[BR]]
     72Несёт нас этот сукин кот! [[BR]]
     73Все матросы стоя спят, [[BR]]
     74А он все не уснет.[[BR]]
     76Год за годом, день за днем[[BR]]
     77Все ходит судно за китом[[BR]]
     78А гребцы в который раз[[BR]]
     79Везут нам чай и ром! [[BR]]