

matching tags

Feb 25, 2019:

2:55 PM Matveeva__Luna__2voice.png attached to song_matveeva_luna by kgushin
2:50 PM New download Matveeva__Luna__2voice.mp3 created by kgushin
(2.6 MB) Н. Матвеева "Луна"
2:49 PM Matveeva__Luna__2voice.pdf attached to song_matveeva_luna by kgushin
Н. Матвеева "Луна"
2:48 PM Matveeva__Luna__2voice.mscz attached to song_matveeva_luna by kgushin
Н. Матвеева "Луна"
2:31 PM song_matveeva_luna edited by kgushin
2:26 PM page_kgushin_fullindex edited by kgushin

Feb 21, 2019:

5:27 PM canon_autumn.png attached to lessons/kanon_autumn by kgushin
Канон "Осень золотая"
5:27 PM canon_autumn.pdf attached to lessons/kanon_autumn by kgushin
Канон "Осень золотая"
5:27 PM canon_autumn.mscz attached to lessons/kanon_autumn by kgushin
Канон "Осень золотая"
5:26 PM lessons/kanon_autumn edited by kgushin
5:18 PM lessons/kanon_autumn created by kgushin
4:59 PM Blog: Вопросец created by kgushin

Feb 20, 2019:

11:59 PM songs_irish_molly_malone edited by kgushin
8:37 PM lessons/vocal_canons edited by kgushin
8:36 PM lessons/kanon_vines edited by kgushin
8:34 PM lessons/kanon_vines edited by kgushin
8:33 PM canon_vines.png attached to lessons/kanon_vines by kgushin
Канон "Со вьюном я хожу"
7:50 PM canon_vines.pdf attached to lessons/kanon_vines by kgushin
Канон "Со вьюном я хожу"
7:49 PM canon_vines.mscz attached to lessons/kanon_vines by kgushin
Канон "Со вьюном я хожу"
7:21 PM lessons/kanon_vines created by kgushin
3:12 PM lessons/kanon_frere_jacque edited by kgushin
2:11 PM Blog: 20 лет назад comment added by uri
Спасибо, Боря!

Feb 19, 2019:

11:53 PM lessons/vocal_canons edited by kgushin
7:36 PM lessons/vocal_canons edited by kgushin
6:30 PM lessons/kanon_caffee edited by kgushin
6:13 AM Blog: 20 лет назад created by bfeliks

Feb 18, 2019:

1:36 PM Matveeva__Luna.png attached to song_matveeva_luna by kgushin
Н. Матвеева "Луна"
1:36 PM Matveeva__Luna.pdf attached to song_matveeva_luna by kgushin
Н. Матвеева "Луна"
1:36 PM Matveeva__Luna.mscz attached to song_matveeva_luna by kgushin
Н. Матвеева "Луна"

Feb 17, 2019:

10:57 PM lessons/ensemble/12_02_2019 created by kgushin
10:55 PM lessons/ensemble edited by kgushin
10:52 PM canon_artishoki.png attached to lessons/kanon_frere_jacque by kgushin
Канон "Братец Яков"
10:52 PM canon_artishoki.pdf attached to lessons/kanon_frere_jacque by kgushin
Канон "Братец Яков"
10:51 PM canon_artishoki.mscz attached to lessons/kanon_frere_jacque by kgushin
Канон "Братец Яков"
10:44 PM lessons/kanon_frere_jacque created by kgushin
10:41 PM lessons/vocal_canons edited by kgushin
10:39 PM canon_veter.png attached to kanon_shum_voln by kgushin
Канон "Ветер в поле свистит..."
10:38 PM canon_veter.pdf attached to kanon_shum_voln by kgushin
Канон "Ветер в поле свистит..."
10:38 PM canon_veter.mscz attached to kanon_shum_voln by kgushin
Канон "Ветер в поле свистит..."
10:37 PM canon_shum_voln.png attached to kanon_shum_voln by kgushin
Канон "Шум волн"
10:37 PM canon_shum_voln.pdf attached to kanon_shum_voln by kgushin
Канон "Шум волн"
10:37 PM canon_shum_voln.mscz attached to kanon_shum_voln by kgushin
Канон "Шум волн"
10:34 PM kanon_shum_voln created by kgushin
10:28 PM lessons/vocal_canons edited by kgushin
10:28 PM lessons/vocal_canons edited by kgushin
10:08 PM lessons/kanon_caffee edited by kgushin
10:07 PM lessons/kanon_caffee edited by kgushin
9:40 PM canon_coffee.png attached to lessons/kanon_caffee by kgushin
К. Геринг "Кофейный канон"
9:40 PM canon_coffee.pdf attached to lessons/kanon_caffee by kgushin
К. Геринг "Кофейный канон"
9:40 PM canon_coffee.mscz attached to lessons/kanon_caffee by kgushin
К. Геринг "Кофейный канон"
9:37 PM lessons/kanon_caffee created by kgushin
9:02 PM lessons/vocal_canons created by kgushin
8:57 PM LessonsFiles edited by kgushin

Feb 16, 2019:

2:39 PM song_matveeva_luna edited by kgushin
2:38 PM New download Matveeva__Luna.mp3 created by kgushin
(2.6 MB) Н. Матвеева "Луна"

Feb 12, 2019:

3:58 PM song_matveeva_luna created by kgushin
2:17 PM page_kgushin_fullindex edited by kgushin
11:48 AM lessons/italian_16c edited by kgushin

Feb 11, 2019:

4:50 PM Blog: февраль - достать чернил и... comment added by kgushin
Уже и чистовая запись про нотацию лежит, на странице самой лекции. …
4:34 PM songs_truhanov_dobroe_utro edited by kgushin
4:33 PM songs_sukharev_zvenigorod edited by kgushin
4:32 PM Sakharov__Zvenigorod.png attached to songs_sukharev_zvenigorod by kgushin
Д. Сухарев, Г. Шангин-Березовский "Звенигород"
4:29 PM Sakharov__Zvenigorod.pdf attached to songs_sukharev_zvenigorod by kgushin
Д. Сухарев, Г. Шангин-Березовский "Звенигород"
4:28 PM Sakharov__Zvenigorod.mscz attached to songs_sukharev_zvenigorod by kgushin
Д. Сухарев, Г. Шангин-Березовский "Звенигород"
4:28 PM New download Sakharov__Zvenigorod.mp3 created by kgushin
(1.6 MB) Д. Сухарев, Г. Шангин-Березовский "Звенигород"
4:24 PM songs_sukharev_zvenigorod created by kgushin
11:48 AM lessons/notation edited by kgushin
12:19 AM Blog: февраль - достать чернил и... created by snn
12:11 AM concert/solo/2019_1 edited by snn
поправил описание концерта "и женщин я стал понимать" (diff)

Feb 10, 2019:

11:21 PM concert/other edited by snn
выложил выступление А.Нероновой на фестивале Зиланткон-2009 (diff)
11:20 PM concert/other/200911_neronova created by snn
выложил выступление А.Нероновой на фестивале Зиланткон-2009
9:57 PM concert/solo edited by snn
выложил индивидуальные концерты января - начала февраля (diff)
9:54 PM concert/solo/2019_1 edited by snn
выложил индивидуальные концерты января - начала февраля (diff)
8:37 PM concert/teachers edited by snn
выложил школьный концерт на тему "духи природы и прочая низшая мифология" (diff)
8:14 PM LessonsHistory/2019/20190125 edited by snn
дополнил описание (diff)
8:02 PM concert/teachers/20190125_duhi_prirody_i created by snn
выложил школьный концерт на тему "духи природы и прочая низшая мифология"
7:51 PM concert/teachers/20181214_beskonechnaya_osen edited by snn
поправил форматирование (diff)
7:16 PM LessonsHistory/2019/20190208 created by snn
добавил отчет о занятии 8 февраля
7:01 PM LessonsHistory/2019/20190201 created by snn
добавил отчет о занятии 1 февраля
6:44 PM LessonsHistory/2019/20190125 created by snn
добавил отчет о занятии 25 января
6:28 PM LessonsHistory/2019/20190118 created by snn
добавил отчет о занятии 18 января
5:58 PM page_kgushin_fullindex edited by kgushin

Feb 7, 2019:

12:50 AM lessons/ensemble/29_01_2019 created by kgushin
12:40 AM lessons/ensemble/05_02_2019 created by kgushin
12:28 AM lessons/ensemble edited by kgushin

Feb 2, 2019:

7:38 PM lessons/notation edited by kgushin
7:36 PM Blog: ближние планы comment added by kgushin
Ага, видел такое ;) Это, конечно, не нотация, скорее балет ;) …
7:29 PM lessons/notation edited by kgushin
7:17 PM znamya_pomety.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
7:17 PM znamenny_14c__web.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
7:15 PM znamena.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
7:15 PM Stripsody__web.png attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
7:14 PM stockhausen_helicopter_quartet_start.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
7:13 PM square_gregorian.png attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
7:13 PM siffernotskrift__web.png attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
7:10 PM shape_notes.png attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
7:08 PM saltarello_ii__web.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
7:06 PM pomety.png attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
7:06 PM picnic_score.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
7:06 PM ojisama.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
7:05 PM Notation865__bender_approve.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
7:05 PM neumes_stgallen__web.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
6:38 PM neumes_4lines.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
6:37 PM mensural_signs.png attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
6:37 PM kondakar_notation.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
6:36 PM kievan_square_notes.png attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
6:35 PM hurrian_hymn.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
6:35 PM hrushev.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
6:34 PM Guido-mutations__web.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
6:32 PM ekphonetic_notation__web.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
6:30 PM ekphonetic_modern__web.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
6:27 PM egypt_chironomy.png attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
6:26 PM early_byzantine_notation.png attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
6:26 PM digraphic_neumes__web.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
6:25 PM daseian_notation__web.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
6:23 PM Curwen_Hand_Signs__web.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
5:54 PM cordier__web.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
5:52 PM coptic_parchment.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
5:52 PM cardew__treatise_183.png attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
5:49 PM byzantine_note_names.png attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
5:49 PM boethius.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
5:48 PM beneventan-neumes__web.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
5:44 PM bach_sinfonia_xv__web.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
5:41 PM apollo_hymn__web.jpg attached to lessons/notation by kgushin
4:14 PM lessons/ensemble edited by kgushin
3:40 PM lessons/notation edited by kgushin
2:34 AM Blog: ближние планы comment added by misha.ustinov
Вот ещё лекцией навеяло, нотация с помощью велосипедов, движущихся по …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.